I´m an Illustrator and artist - based in Berlin
Tagesspiegel / Die Zeit / FAZ / Spiegel / Stern / DIOR / Michalsky /
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung / Heinrich Böll Stiftung / Rewe-Group / IKEA / Kärcher /
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg / Evonik Industries / Scorpio-Verlag / BEEF / Geo /
DOG´s / Freundin / Eltern / Deutsche Bahn / Lufthansa / IKK / Bracenet ...
Sabine Israel
mobil 0173 600 7231
represented in Germany, Switzerland and Austria by
Kleine Rittergasse 11
D-60594 Frankfurt
+49 69 75 66 55 - 0
more about me: